Monday, February 9, 2009

New Year, New Adventures (8 Feb. 2009)

Good Morning!

My 1st new year has been packed with tons of fun! Here is a rundown:

I've tried solid food! It's kinda weird and I'm not sure how much I like it. It's fun to push it out of my mouth and see the reaction of my parents when I make faces. I've tasted rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, broccoli, and my all time favorite are baby cookies! I love to feed myself, so the cookies are perfect. I should get my parents to take a video of me eating these little pleasers so you can drool at them too! I liked the broccoli too, but let me tell you, you need to take Bean-o beforehand!

I went to Disney World! My Auntie Janelle ran a marathon at Disney World and invited us to come join them in Orlando. We went to Sea World, the Gulf of Mexico and Disney World! It was so stimulating! I was sort of frightened on some of the rides like Pirates of the Carribbean and Peter Pan. I slept on Small World, but I enjoyed riding on a magic carpet over Arabia!

I was a really good girl on the plane ride. My fellow passengers complimented me on my traveling abilities! At the car rental, a nice lady w/ a baby my age gave me a cute little hair clip that attaches to just one hair! I can't wait to get more. I also slept and ate well the whole week.

My favorite thing was to hang out with my 2 and 4 year old cousins, Elliot and Jack. They were a blast to play with and I received lots of love from them.

I was really looking forward to wearing all my sun dresses that I couldn't wear last summer, but the weather didn't allow that. It was just like home--cold!

I started swimming lessons last week! I love to splash in the pool, sing during circle time and chew on the pool toys! I even rolled over all by myself after my class for the very first time! Since then, I've been practicing rolling to reach my toys in my gym. It's so nice to be able to get what I want and not have to wait for my parents to get it.

That pretty much sums up what I've done so far this year. I look forward to what else is in store. Hopefully it involves meeting you!

Let's catch up again soon!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Christmas fudge can do (8 Jan. 2009)

Hurray! My New Year's resolution has come true! I have gained weight! I'm now 12 pounds and very proud of every ounce!!

I hope your New Year dreams come true!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year! (5 Jan. 2009)

Happy New Year to everyone!

Well, it's been quite an adventure since the last time I wrote to you! I've learned so many things and kept so busy, that I got carried away with everything and didn't make time to share any of it with you!

I contracted my first 2 colds, the 1st in Oct. and the 2nd in Dec. But now I'm doing fine and trying to make up for lost time in the amount I'm eating. When I get sick, I don't feel like eating more than 11-16 oz per day, so as you can imagine, I don't gain any weight.

I've also been going to the storytime at the Mukilteo and Everett libraries. They are both really fun and I like the variety between the two. At Everett library, all us kids get to play on a thematic rug with lots of toys and we sing songs and read books with our parents. At Mukilteo, we sit on our parent's lap while we sing and read. I love watching all the other babies and learn from them!

Halloween was uneventful because I had a cold so I had to miss a pumpkin carving party my friend Callie invited me to. I did get to go to the pumpkin patch with my parents and we picked out two perfect pumpkins! My parents were surprised that the pumpkins were actually imported because the crop here didn't make it with spring and summer being so cold. Perhaps this year I'll be able to ride in a wagon and pick out my very own pumpkin from the giant patch!

Thanksgiving was great fun! I left town for the first time and went to Portland to see my Bunica and Bunicul. There were lots of great aunts and uncles who I met for the first time and they gave me lots of colorful and cozy presents! Bunica's cooking smelled so good, too! I met my Tanti Doina for the first time--she lives in London, but came all the way out here to meet me! It took about 8 hours to get to Portland, but I didn't mind to much. I slept most of the way down and back. I also got to meet some of my Grandma's family and my great-grandparents, too (my Mommy's step-grandparents). Everyone loved to hold me. My parents were so relieved that I kept my same sleeping schedule (to bed around 7pm, up at 6am to eat and up for the day around 8am), even though I was in a different house and sleeping in my pack 'n play.

I went shopping at the mall on the day after Thanksgiving! I was slightly disappointed that there were not herds of people like I had been told. So, I fell asleep, but I still picked out some beautiful things!

My first Christmas was really special. My Uncle Perlock and Auntie Sherry came from San Francisco to spend it with me. My Uncle Mark endured the snowy drive over the passes from Walla Walla to be with me too. We had a lot of fun playing together and laughing! My Uncle Perlock and Auntie Sherry even got the opportunity to babysit me while my parents went to a harp concert. They did a great job! I fooled my Uncle Perlock because I drank a whole bottle, so he thought I was full, but that wasn't true--so I cried and made him very confused until he tried another bottle, and sure enough! That was what I wanted! My grandparents and Uncle Brian, Aunt Megan, and my new cousin Alex came to visit on the weekend. Little Alex is so cute and precious! He has such a sweet little cry and he loves to eat and sleep. Soon, he'll be doing what I'm learning to do and we'll play together a whole bunch!

I got to spend New Year's day with Daddy. Mommy had to work that day. Daddy and I played and sang and talked. Mommy thought I would surely roll over from my back to my tummy since a previous time Daddy watched me I developed a new milestone, but I didn't. I've been practicing though. In fact, I can roll my whole body over from my back to tummy, but I keep my head and arms to the side. One of these days, I'll surprise Mommy and Daddy both and start crawling!

I started eating rice cereal last Monday. It's okay, but I want what my parents are eating--their food has lots of color. I also am able to sit up with support either on the couch or in my Boppy for at least 10 minutes all by myself without falling over! When Uncle Mark was here, I was still learning this skill and I reached for his finger and almost fell head first off the couch! So far, my slate is clean of any falls. Keep your fingers crossed! I visited my Nurse Janay this weekend and she says I'm going to be very independent when I'm mobile. You got that right! I like to have things my way and do things when I want to. I guess I'll probably have to get my parents a leash backpack for them to keep up with me when we're out and about!

How much do I weigh, you ask? Well, I haven't gained weight for a little while, but last we checked, I was 11 lbs and 24 inches tall. That reminds me. I went to my first Occupational and Physical Therapy evaluation early last month and all my skills (gross and fine motor, expressive and receptive language, and cognition) fell within normal limits for my corrected age--between 4 months 10 days and 6 months of age! Despite this, I have to receive range of motion therapy from my parents for my ankles. Apparently, I'm not supposed to stand on my tippy toes like I love to do every chance I get. The OT explained that I likely do this because I was never in a flexed position in utero since I came out so soon. It also could be familial though, because my Mommy used to always walk on her toes when she was a kid, especially when she wasn't wearing shoes. So what is the downfall? I am not supposed to use my exersaucer or be encouraged to stand up! Yikes! That's my absolute favorite and most comfortable position! Thankfully, I am starting to like sitting down, especially when I have good entertainment in front of me.

My Nana has visited me almost once a month since I was born. She missed an early Christmas with me because of all the snow (she had about 2 feet at her house over Christmas). So, we'll be seeing each other when the snow clears up at her house. I also was lucky to get to meet a whole bunch of relatives at a very sad event--my great-great aunt's memorial service in Chehalis. I am so glad that I was able to go and meet all of these relatives from all over the country! My Mommy's cousin Noelle is having a baby in March and I'm so excited to see if I will get another boy cousin or a girl cousin.

Well, that's quite a lot about me. Now I want to hear about you! I wish you all a very wonderful New Year 2009 and hope that I will get the pleasure to see you all this year!

Wishing you all the very best!


Friday, September 26, 2008

End of Summer, Let the Fun Begin! (Sept. 26)

Autumn Greetings to You All!

I've been so busy since my pediatrician gave me the thumbs-up to be in public that I've lost track of time and forgot about writing to you!

For Labor Day, my Uncle Perlock and Auntie Sherry came up from San Francisco to celebrate! I shocked Uncle Perlock when he changed my diaper: He was not aware that babies of my age do not have solid poo! He was so stunned that he could only hold the diaper up and look mystified, so my Mommy actually did the cleaning! Both my uncle and auntie cuddled me and gave me gifts, so they won me over!

We went on many adventures that weekend. We went to my 2nd photo shoot on Saturday night, then to the Evergreen State Fair on Sunday, and then to breakfast at Maltby Cafe on Monday with Daddy's Walla Walla friends Curtis and Janet. I experienced my 1st thunder and lightening storm at the fair and I screamed at those bleating goats! They disrupted my cozy nap I was taking in my Moby Wrap (thanks Abbie NICU RN for recommending it!).

I went to the Mukilteo library to pick out cd's and the clerk informed us that there is a baby story time there once a week. The next week, on the 16th, my Auntie Marie, my Mommy and I went to story time. What a blast! I was so ecstatic about all the kids and commotion, it was great fun! We went again this week and I met Maysa, a friend I've been waiting to meet since she was born 2 months ago! My Nana and Aunt Nettie also joined me since I couldn't stop talking about the joy I experienced there. It was kind of sad on the way to the library though, I screamed the whole way there and back in the car! I can't recall why I did that now, but I know there was a good reason! Yesterday, I went to the Mill Creek library for story time with my friends Brennan and Monti then went over to their house to play. I met their giant Great Dane Lucas who looked so friendly, but Mommy wouldn't let me ride on him.

My Auntie Marie arranged for my first field trip: a private tour of Stockpot/Campbell's Soup that's next to my house. Yummy! It was so amazing! Mommy compares the observation deck to the Tillamook Cheese Factory's in Oregon--there were lots of workers in smocks, boots and hair nets working in the production line with cool machines! Sorry to those of you who want your own tour, but you must have connections to get in. You can look at the pictures I took, although that won't taste the same!

On the 15th, I went down to the University of Washington to meet my Mommy's friend and previous manager, Constance. She was so delightful! She knew exactly how to put me at ease and make me sleepy! I had such a great visit that I showed off a little in the Speech and Hearing Clinic (where my Mommy spent a lot of time doing various practica in grad school) by giving a loud, loquacious speech to my Mommy with a nice size audience. Unfortunately, the video camera was late arriving onto the scene, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

I finally made it to the Pavilion on Sept. 21! We never made it in August like planned. Daddy returned my car bed alone, so I apologize for those of you who waited all day for my grand entrance. We visited with my Mommy's nurse Cathy. She put me on the scale and I weighed 9 lbs! I weighed exactly 8 lbs on the 4th when my visiting nurse came for a visit. I am so pleased with how I can pack on a pound in just over 2 weeks time! I still have not made it to the NICU. We had a very tight schedule that day, and I was pretty exhausted after a fabulous party and being cuddled by all sorts of medical professionals that attended it! I will expound in a later blog about that event, but I will tell you that my nurse Heather was there and she was my very 1st babysitter!

My Mommy started back to work this month, thankfully only a couple days per month. I don't really like it when she's gone. The first day, I gave my Daddy a lot of grief but he didn't bring my Mommy back. When she did come home I felt so warm and cozy inside that I went right to sleep! I'll try to remember that she will come back home when she works again this Sunday, but I don't know if I will. That takes a lot of focus and hard work.

Speaking of sleep, I have slept for 7.5 hours during the night on several occasions. However, since my pediatrician may not approve, my parents usually wake me up after 5 hours if I don't feel like waking up on my own to eat.

Alright, it's time for me to relax. Thank you nurses Natalie and Cathy for responding to my entries! I'm happy to know that you are thinking sweet thoughts about me! Yes, Natalie! I will tell my Mommy that I must come and visit you now that I know which nights you work! Of course you can come visit me, too (just ask Janay or Heather for my contact info). And of course, thank you to all of you who have come over and visited me at home--it is such a treat to have you visit!

Sweet dreams to all!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pavilion Friends: I'm coming Friday to visit you! (Aug. 26)

Hi NICU/labor and delivery/MFM nurses and friends!

I will be coming to visit you this coming Friday, Aug. 29!

My parents are bringing me in to trade in my car bed and get my car seat checked. Hurray! I don't like my car bed anymore, as of yesterday when we went to my MD. I want to be in a big girl seat now. The maximum capacity for the car bed is 9lbs and/or 20 inches. I'm now 7 lbs 11.5 oz and 19 inches long, but there is no way that I am going to get back in that bed! I used to love it but now it is so tight. I'm into looser fitting things right now.

Other good news from my visit with the doc yesterday:
  1. I don't have to be woken up every 4 hrs at night! It's now about every 5.
  2. I can make my 1st public appearance very soon! (this Friday!)
  3. I can attend my baby shower for awhile!
  4. I can take a long trip to Portland for Thanksgiving, weather depending!
  5. It's okay that I hardly ever poo anymore and that the color is not pretty!
  6. I can eat from whichever source I please! (I think I'll choose an ice cream cone--I hear the ice cream truck playing a tempting "It's a Small World" song at this very moment)
  7. I'm getting cuter!
  8. I'm now in the 10th percentile for weight for my corrected age!

The bad news is that my little legs are still very little, even my nurses commented on them. Well, of course they are! That's partly why my height is still in the deficient range of the normal curve. But that doesn't bother me. I love to use them to stand and to push myself across my activity gym during tummy time. There are so many things I can do with my little legs and I am very happy with them.

Oh yeah, if you want to comment on something or just chat with me, you can click on the comment link at the bottom of any one of my notes where it says, comment. I want to thank my silly nurse Natalie and my crazy Uncle Perlock for being so brave to leave a comment! Also, you can leave your email address there so I can respond to you personally if you so choose.

Thanks and see you soon!


Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm 3 months old. No, I'm only 1 month old. (Aug. 22)


I am trying hard to figure this out. I have been out of my cozy, wet sack for 14 weeks, but I'm actually only 4 weeks old. What?

So for you amateurs out there, myself included, here is the deal with preemies. We have a legal date of birth, but we also have a corrected age. Because I was born when I just turned 30 weeks gestational, the first 10 weeks of my life were still gestational weeks even though I was out of my womb. I was learning and doing the same things other babies of the same gestational age are doing, just doing it in your world instead of in my Mommy's tummy. For example, it's pretty typical to develop the suck-swallow-breath reflex around the gestational age of 34 weeks. So, I was not born with this, but it did kick in around my 4th week of life in the outside world.

Now, my corrected age is based on when I was actually supposed to arrive into your world (which I think is totally cool, by the way!), which was July 25. So, I have a corrected age of 4 weeks old, and this coming Monday I will be 1 month old! So I'm acting like a 1 month old. I am not doing the typical things that a 3 month old would do, such as intentional smiling, gooing and cooing and the like. I do talk, trust me on that one, just not the standard type of talking.

So, now you can understand why my friend Callie, who was born on the same day as I was, acts more mature than me. She was born at full-term, so she really is 3 months old. She coos, smiles with intention, plays, and even wears 3 month size of clothes. I still wear newborn size and have outgrown most of my preemie clothes. I weighed 7 lbs 2oz and was 19 inches tall on Aug. 15. Callie weighed 7 lbs 5 oz as was 20 inches when she was born.

My newest friend, Brenden, was born two weeks early on August 6, and he weighed 8 lbs 15.5 oz and was 21 inches long. He is now well over 10 lbs, but he and I act very similar because his due date and my due date are closer together than mine and Callie's.

What do I do these days? Well, I like to be in my quiet alert state for 2 hour blocks a couple times each day. I also love to vocalize and grunt, pop, and squeal. I look around at contrasts and I can win a staring contest easily. I can track your movement if I have my eyes on you and I can keep my head facing the same position if you turn my body 180 degrees. I love to look at Daddy's face and I even stand up by myself when he's trying to feed me. I also can maneuver myself across the bed when I'm laying on my tummy, by pushing with my legs and moving my head from one side to facing down back to the side. I crawl out of my pants when I do this!

Okay, that's the latest from my cradle.


NICU vs. Home (Aug. 22)

Hello friends, family, and nurses!

Can you believe that I have now been home just as long as I was in the NICU-7 weeks? I can't, but I know that I have enjoyed every minute of it. I also miss the NICU and being cuddled and spoiled by my lovely nurses and my Mommy's nurses. I am still waiting for the day that I can go and visit all of them at the Pavilion. My parents are going to ask Dr. Jack on Monday, because honestly, my Mommy misses them too. She was able to go visit with some of them today and of course they were all excited to see her, but they really wanted to oooh and aaah over ME!!

So, here's a list of the pros and cons of the 2 homes I have known:

NICU: Pros
  • I was super spoiled!! 24/7
  • I usually got what I wanted as soon as an idea of what I wanted popped into my head.
  • Everyone came to visit me like I was a vacation! I remember one of my nurses came to my room to adore me so she could remind herself that babies can be and will become healthy in the NICU.
  • I also got to be picked up and shown off to nurses in the other pods (but don't tell Mommy--she always saw me connected to my monitor except when she gave me a bath).
  • I could lay on my tummy whenever I pleased because I did have the monitor.
  • The nurses were GREAT!
  • My room was beautiful! I had the best room in the place--I could look out at the trees and see the sky and I loved peeing on the hardwood floor!
  • My Mommy held me every day (except the first couple of days after I was born).
  • My bedding was changed almost every day and there was a huge wardrobe to choose from.
  • Bathtime was fun, especially when Mommy learned about infant massage from Abbie.
  • I was selected for modeling for the front page of the newspaper.
  • I got to fingerpaint and toepaint every other week.
  • I grew!

  • My "great" nurses had to poke needles into me and it stung!
  • I had to tolerate stinky feet (my own that is).
  • I couldn't sleep on my tummy when it got closer to going home.
  • I had this rotten tube in my nose for 6 1/2 weeks.
  • My "great" nurses kept shoving the rotten tube back down my nose once I successfully pulled it out.
  • Only so many visitors could be in my room at once.
  • I got easily distracted from my daily chores.
  • I didn't get to see my Daddy every day.
  • Only my family kissed me.

Home: Pros

  • No tubes!
  • No monitor!
  • No stinky feet!
  • No IV!
  • No shots or PKUs!
  • I see Mommy AND Daddy every day!
  • Daddy gets to spend lots of time with me at night and feeds me, too!
  • I get to go outside!
  • I get to listen to music.
  • I hear the ice cream truck go past my window every day!!
  • I can look at my fishies in my aquarium while falling asleep.
  • I have 2 puppies and 2 kitties to chase and play with when I'm older. I will pull their tails.
  • Visitors can spend the night in my house!
  • I have my own personal visiting nurse who weighs and measures me in between doctor appointments.
  • I have new neighbors and I can hear the neighbor kids playing outside.
  • A couple of my NICU nurses visit me and are going to babysit me.
  • My Mommy and Daddy love me and kiss me all the time.
  • I'm getting chubby legs!


  • No nurses around the clock.
  • I have to be woken up every 4 hours at night to eat when I just want to sleep (hmm, maybe that old tube was good for something?).
  • I don't get to eat ice cream.
  • No lively outings, only to Dr. Jack's and out for a stroll on nice days.
  • Not as many frequent visitors.
  • Only so many visitors allowed to visit at once.
  • Mommy and Daddy sometimes want to sleep when I want to play!
  • I don't get to play with somebody 24/7.
  • I'm not sure if I can attend my own baby shower.
  • I'm still distracted pretty easily.

What is my favorite thing at my new home? Knowing that I will get to chase down the ice cream truck when I'm older!!

Thanks for looking at my very first pros/cons list. I'm sure my future elementary school teachers will be proud.
