Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Living it up! (7/1/08)

I had a wonderful day today! So many things happened I don't know if I can keep up with this fast paced NICU world!

Well, for starters, we learned that MSNBC discovered me and posted my debuting article online at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25436847. I didn't see my gorgeous pictures, but my name is all that matters, right? And my parents thought that they were giving me a relatively unique name! I don't mind though if everyone is named after me!

My nurse Lorna decided it was high time that I get the privilege to eat when I want and however much I want. Do you get to do that, too, all you famous models? With the nurse practitioner's consent, that is exactly what I got to do today!! I was a very happy little baby! And, I even had my 1st poo since Saturday, and it was just dandy.

My best friend Janay let me have my last opportunity to pull out my NG tube! I was a little skepticle, because I know from experience that when I pull it out, it has to go back in. So, she helped me pull it out, and guess what? She didn't get upset, but was laughing and never put another one in!! Hurray! My face is naked and is going to stay that way forever!

Mommy and Daddy are going to spend tomorrow night with me here at the NICU! Oh boy! I don't know what to say! I'm not certain I'll like that much. This is my home and I don't need that much disruption in my little routine! Okay, I'll let them stay. Besides, it all boils down to the plan that I get to go home with them to their house on Thursday, July 3!!! Hurray! I've done it! I grew nice and big and I've shown my medical family who can eat like a little piglet, and I won the grand prize--to go to my new home and spend time with my Mommy and Daddy! It will be hard to get accustomed to their ways, I'm sure. After all, I've been in a very harmonious state during my 48 day stay here in my cozy little nest. I will miss my nurses who love me so much that I will likely cry and scream for them all the way home! I hope they will come visit me in my new home very soon. How will the reporters and photographers know where to find me?

I have to get some beauty sleep now. Which reminds me, thanks for the manicure Janay!


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