Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Busy Week

My serial non-stress tests started this week--I have 2/week. These monitor my heart rate to see if it will go up 10 beats/minute two times in an hour. My heart rate was about 145 baseline, but it plummeted temporarily to 70 on Tuesday and 90 on Thursday, so my Mom and I were admitted to the hospital both days for further monitoring. No further decline occurred while in triage. Mom's blood pressure is now considered "labile" or temperamental as it was as low as 87 and then 101 a couple hours later. Apparently, she's on the largest dose of medicine possible, so not much more than bed rest can be done at this time. Mom also had many contractions that she couldn't feel during hospitalized monitoring, so the MD isn't too concerned since they aren't strong enough for her to feel. Mom now has to drink as much fluid as possible and tally my movements every hour that she's awake. Mom also takes something to do each visit now in case we are admitted again!!

But I'm doing great! I love to kick and stretch and make my Mom wonder what I'm doing inside that makes her tummy sort of roll around. I still love it when Dad's around and get so excited. My activity is so strong now that you can see Mom's belly jumping around! I'm good at kicking the monitors too and making them move!!

My Nana is coming next week so my Dad can actually get some work done--he spent a lot of time at the hospital this week so he has to make up work. Nana is going to come look at me during my ultrasound on Tuesday which will show if I'm growing. Dad is going to go to a "new dad's class" to learn that he's not the only one who is concerned about having a little sprite like me enter his world!!

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