Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year! (5 Jan. 2009)

Happy New Year to everyone!

Well, it's been quite an adventure since the last time I wrote to you! I've learned so many things and kept so busy, that I got carried away with everything and didn't make time to share any of it with you!

I contracted my first 2 colds, the 1st in Oct. and the 2nd in Dec. But now I'm doing fine and trying to make up for lost time in the amount I'm eating. When I get sick, I don't feel like eating more than 11-16 oz per day, so as you can imagine, I don't gain any weight.

I've also been going to the storytime at the Mukilteo and Everett libraries. They are both really fun and I like the variety between the two. At Everett library, all us kids get to play on a thematic rug with lots of toys and we sing songs and read books with our parents. At Mukilteo, we sit on our parent's lap while we sing and read. I love watching all the other babies and learn from them!

Halloween was uneventful because I had a cold so I had to miss a pumpkin carving party my friend Callie invited me to. I did get to go to the pumpkin patch with my parents and we picked out two perfect pumpkins! My parents were surprised that the pumpkins were actually imported because the crop here didn't make it with spring and summer being so cold. Perhaps this year I'll be able to ride in a wagon and pick out my very own pumpkin from the giant patch!

Thanksgiving was great fun! I left town for the first time and went to Portland to see my Bunica and Bunicul. There were lots of great aunts and uncles who I met for the first time and they gave me lots of colorful and cozy presents! Bunica's cooking smelled so good, too! I met my Tanti Doina for the first time--she lives in London, but came all the way out here to meet me! It took about 8 hours to get to Portland, but I didn't mind to much. I slept most of the way down and back. I also got to meet some of my Grandma's family and my great-grandparents, too (my Mommy's step-grandparents). Everyone loved to hold me. My parents were so relieved that I kept my same sleeping schedule (to bed around 7pm, up at 6am to eat and up for the day around 8am), even though I was in a different house and sleeping in my pack 'n play.

I went shopping at the mall on the day after Thanksgiving! I was slightly disappointed that there were not herds of people like I had been told. So, I fell asleep, but I still picked out some beautiful things!

My first Christmas was really special. My Uncle Perlock and Auntie Sherry came from San Francisco to spend it with me. My Uncle Mark endured the snowy drive over the passes from Walla Walla to be with me too. We had a lot of fun playing together and laughing! My Uncle Perlock and Auntie Sherry even got the opportunity to babysit me while my parents went to a harp concert. They did a great job! I fooled my Uncle Perlock because I drank a whole bottle, so he thought I was full, but that wasn't true--so I cried and made him very confused until he tried another bottle, and sure enough! That was what I wanted! My grandparents and Uncle Brian, Aunt Megan, and my new cousin Alex came to visit on the weekend. Little Alex is so cute and precious! He has such a sweet little cry and he loves to eat and sleep. Soon, he'll be doing what I'm learning to do and we'll play together a whole bunch!

I got to spend New Year's day with Daddy. Mommy had to work that day. Daddy and I played and sang and talked. Mommy thought I would surely roll over from my back to my tummy since a previous time Daddy watched me I developed a new milestone, but I didn't. I've been practicing though. In fact, I can roll my whole body over from my back to tummy, but I keep my head and arms to the side. One of these days, I'll surprise Mommy and Daddy both and start crawling!

I started eating rice cereal last Monday. It's okay, but I want what my parents are eating--their food has lots of color. I also am able to sit up with support either on the couch or in my Boppy for at least 10 minutes all by myself without falling over! When Uncle Mark was here, I was still learning this skill and I reached for his finger and almost fell head first off the couch! So far, my slate is clean of any falls. Keep your fingers crossed! I visited my Nurse Janay this weekend and she says I'm going to be very independent when I'm mobile. You got that right! I like to have things my way and do things when I want to. I guess I'll probably have to get my parents a leash backpack for them to keep up with me when we're out and about!

How much do I weigh, you ask? Well, I haven't gained weight for a little while, but last we checked, I was 11 lbs and 24 inches tall. That reminds me. I went to my first Occupational and Physical Therapy evaluation early last month and all my skills (gross and fine motor, expressive and receptive language, and cognition) fell within normal limits for my corrected age--between 4 months 10 days and 6 months of age! Despite this, I have to receive range of motion therapy from my parents for my ankles. Apparently, I'm not supposed to stand on my tippy toes like I love to do every chance I get. The OT explained that I likely do this because I was never in a flexed position in utero since I came out so soon. It also could be familial though, because my Mommy used to always walk on her toes when she was a kid, especially when she wasn't wearing shoes. So what is the downfall? I am not supposed to use my exersaucer or be encouraged to stand up! Yikes! That's my absolute favorite and most comfortable position! Thankfully, I am starting to like sitting down, especially when I have good entertainment in front of me.

My Nana has visited me almost once a month since I was born. She missed an early Christmas with me because of all the snow (she had about 2 feet at her house over Christmas). So, we'll be seeing each other when the snow clears up at her house. I also was lucky to get to meet a whole bunch of relatives at a very sad event--my great-great aunt's memorial service in Chehalis. I am so glad that I was able to go and meet all of these relatives from all over the country! My Mommy's cousin Noelle is having a baby in March and I'm so excited to see if I will get another boy cousin or a girl cousin.

Well, that's quite a lot about me. Now I want to hear about you! I wish you all a very wonderful New Year 2009 and hope that I will get the pleasure to see you all this year!

Wishing you all the very best!



Jeremy Johnson said...


What a wonderful time you've been having, indeed. Thanks for sharing all the juicy detail. Sherry and I certainly enjoyed babysitting you, even though you fooled us by eating so much!

What's new with me? I own a Apple product for the first time in my life: an iPhone 3G. The designers made it so intuitive to use. Did you know they study how babies interact with their world to understand what interactions with the device are most intuitive? My iPhone absolutely rocks, and I have to control myself from wasting time installing all the cool apps. I'll show it to you when I see you next. I'm giving your mom my last phone, the Treo 750, so she'll be able to surf the web much faster.

Happy New Year, and I look forward to our next visit!


Jeremy Johnson said...


Sherry just pointed out that you may be less interested in knowing about the iPhone, and more interested in knowing that we are planning to get a new kitten soon! We'll send you pictures when I get it, and you can meet it next time you visit. By that time, you might be big enough to crawl around, chase it, and catch it's tail!


Uncle Perlock