Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday!! (6/17/08)

Hi Everyone!!

Can you believe that I celebrated my 1 month birthday yesterday and my Mommy hasn't helped me update my blog since I was born? I think she is very naughty! She says she'll get around to it soon in between pumping, cuddling me and changing my stinky diapers! I got her back yesterday by peeing all over her when she attempted to put a new diaper on me!! (Although it wasn't anywhere near as funny as when I shot a poo across my bed!)

Well, lots of things have taken place since I was born. Mommy says she'll help me write about them more in detail later, but just in case she doesn't, I'm going to list a few of the highlights.

When I was yanked out of Mommy's tummy, I screamed and hollered and got real upset that I wasn't nestled in my comfy amniotic fluid. So, I never needed any type of respiratory support, not even a nasal cannula!! I've been on room air ever since, and I plan on keeping it that way! I was placed in an isolette (new term for incubator) and I'm still in it. I could have graduated to a crib about 2 weeks ago now, but my friendly doctors and nurse practitioners say that I would be lost in a crib :) I am chubbier than I was before. I'm proud to say that I weigh a hefty 3lbs 13oz!! I am now 15 inches long and my pediatrician told my parents that my vertical growth is no where near as important as my weight gain! Take that all you sickly skinny models and wanna be's!

I got a delightful introduction to caffeine! (Mommy thought that to be ironic as she stopped drinking coffee for my sake last summer!) I was getting a nice double tall latte every morning to help my heart rate and breathing remain steady, but apparently I don't need help anymore. I think I have an awful withdrawal headache!! Now I get only my dose of iron in the evenings. That is not at all as fun as my latte!

What else...I was on an IV for 1 week only. I was able to tolerate Mommy's milk through my NG tube really well from the beginning and now I'm taking 1 oz for 30 minutes every 3 hours. This makes me get pretty fussy just before my next feeding which is disturbing Mommy. She thinks that it was a little nicer when I was getting continuously fed and always content. Ha ha Mommy! You have just a small taste of how I will be when I get to come home!! Oh! I can't wait to go home. I adore my nurses, they really love me so much, but they aren't allowed to kiss me without fear of getting fired! It really tickles when my parents kiss me--my eyes jolt right open to see what this oddity is and who's doing it. Then I calm down and remember that it's my darling Mommy and Daddy so I smile and cross my eyes.

Oh yeah, back to eating (I love to eat!!)... I have started to nipple a little. My night nurse helped me drink an entire bottle (1 oz) 2 nights ago at 3am! My pediatrician could hardly contain himself when my Mommy told him that. I've been told I'm a superstar before, and now it has been repeated.

Talking about stardom, I had a photo shoot on Father's Day for the Everett Herald, our local newspaper! The journalist came to meet me the following day and thought I was such a cute big girl! She was interested in Mommy's story about her pregnancy and why I was so early. I would say it's because I wanted to know what all those noises were and what was going on outside my nest that Mommy would laugh so much or talk to so much and I would rarely hear another person talking to her. Now I know that she was talking on the phone!! Imagine, a 34 weeker (gestational mind you) learning so quickly about the phone. Even my nurses use them. Anyway, I was a model for an article about low birth-weight babies and how they are becoming more common in Washington. Sharon, the journalist, said the purpose of the article is to hopefully help the general public become aware of the need for prenatal care. Mommy understood that! She said that our time together during pregnancy was terrific--no morning sickness, no signs/symptoms of high blood pressure, no swelling, really no external symptoms that she was sick. She wouldn't have even gone to a doctor until the next day about her liver pain since it just felt like a severe case of reflux. And you know what that would have led to...

My article will likely be published this coming weekend. I can't wait for Mommy to read it to me!! I will ask Daddy or my Uncle Perlock to add a link to it on my website so you too can read it and see how adorable I am!!

Hmm...I know my Mommy's favorite event is: bathing me! I've taken 3 baths since birth and I REALLY love them! I took my last one Saturday in preparation for my big photo shoot. My nurse taught Mommy how to massage me from fingers and toes to back and heart! Ohhhh, that was so wonderful! I closed my eyes and put out my foot for Mommy to repeat! Now my standards have become that much higher! Sorry Mommy, but you can't let a good thing pass you by.

Okay friends and family, I will really scream hard next time so Mommy will actually help me update my blog sooner. You can see I'm going to be high maintenance, just don't let her know. Thanks to all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I greatly appreciate it. Please also remember my friends here in the NICU who don't have it so good. Thank you also for the great presents! I'm working hard of catching up on all my thank-you cards, but sometimes I'm just a little too groggy and then they make me do more work.

Hope to see all of you soon!!



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